
What are you even fucking talking about? Dude said it was a troll and it clearly is, end of the goddamn story. And no, people normally manage to keep their emotions in check, short-fused and neurodivergent individuals aside. So once more: What in the hell are you blathering on about?

literally condemning human emotions

Where is he condemning anything? Did you accidentally change tabs and read the wrong comments or replies? How is saying "this is a troll" when it very clearly is one immature?

outliers, there's, extreamly, statment, recations

Get grammarly or something because man, calling someone "extreamly immature" when you can't hold it together for half a new line before you completely typo all over your fresh post, it just makes you sound like a dick. Well, you do anyway, but now you're not only clueless about what you're talking about, you also revealed all your cards as far as being able to follow a conversation might be concerned and you sure as shit aren't doing yourself any favors with that.

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