I am sick to death of being told bisexuality needs to include attraction to "non-binary" people. I don't owe anyone my attraction.

Yes, bisexuality is pretty simple for me. Attraction to both genders. I never gave a shit about stupid new age labels or make believe genders, and all that debate was always stupid to me, because to me it's like that. Attraction to both genders. Trans men and women are still either men or women. Other "genders" is still a man or a woman choosing a retarded label. Bisexuality still fits perfectly fine there.
All this discussion about bisexuality and "not including trans folk". Was always so stupid to me. You'd think they should feel insulted, as some sjw's consider them some kind of abomination that doesn't fit the "man or woman" label, and should be considered as some sort of third, or 54545th gender or whatever under "pansexualty" label instead. But no, bi folk bad. How dare they view trans folk as men and women, instead of something else entirely. What a fucking mess.

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