[DAI Spoilers] How hard did you roleplay with your Inquisitor?

Personally I didn't put much thought into the Inquisitor as much as I did the Warden or Hawke. The reason being is that I never felt personally connected to Inquisitor as much as I did the other protagonist. With Origins and DA2 you got to see who your protagonists were before they got into the mess they now have to clean up and how much they change afterwards if they change at all, but you never do for the Inquisitor. I know it's left ambiguous so you can headcanon most, if not all, of it and there are some dialouge options that elude to what happens before Inquisition but that didn't feel like enough for me. Try to imagine watching a superhero movie without their origin story. You don't get to see what motivated them to be a hero nor do you see why they're currently the person they are, all you get is the guy in a costume and watch him fight bad guys for reasons you'll never know. With all that being said I still tried my best to role play the character, but when I ended up completing the game I didn't really feel like I had any fun and didn't really care what would happen to the character afterwards.

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