Daily Help Thread - January 10, 2017

Hi! F2P here, and need a bit of help with team setup (team will be for Arena / Colo / Generally-When-Shit-Gets-Too-Tough-For-Levelling-Team)

Currently have no TMRs yet, but I'm working on Excalibur, Blade Mastery, Dual Cast, Black Cowl, and Moon Blade (91%). Got no Zidanes or any other notable TMRs worthy of mentioning other than Omnirod.

Currently using (All maxed level at maxed stars): Agrias - Because I like FFT. Also, FB. And I had nothing else to put.

WoL - My main character in FF Dissidia 012. Also, Tank and FB.

Delita - My only 5* base. Wish I had known about rerolling earlier, would've attempted for something better. Still, I'm glad I got an FFT character (and not Ramza. Was hoping for Ramza but I wisened up after reading up about him...).

ExDeath - Mage nukes. + DC is nice.

Refia - Healurr and buff.

So after lurking and reading tonnes, I gather that either WoL or Agrias should be replaced (to retain 1 for FB duty). Currently, I'm leaning towards replacing Agrias (my Poorlandu sobs) as I'm having too much fun with WoL + Golem Staff + Bladeblitz. But I'm flexible, and any suggestions (that have nothing to do with 5* base stuff...) are welcome!


Notable stuff I have in Storage:

6* L34 Chorizzo (TMR Farming) | 6* L 61 Cecil (TMR Farming) | 3* L29 CoD (levelling) | 4* L7 Santa Roselia | 5* L80 Black Cat Lid (I only have 1 Chilling Aura, joined just before Halloween event) | 4* L1 Luka | 5* L12 Kain | 5* L51 Kefka | 5* L22 Rhydia | 3* L9 Charlotte | 4* L44 Bartz

/r/FFBraveExvius Thread