DawnforgedCast on why he quit Roll20.

Holy shit...I never really put this together until just now but...I was listening to a podcast with Adam Koeble, Matt Mercer, Matt Colville and Mike Mearls here and there was a comment Adam made at one point.

He said it was great that D&D was transitioning more into a more open platform for users of all races, genders, sexuality ect to express themselves. For those who don't know, Adam runs a few games on the Roll20 youtube page. Tomb of Annihilation and now Waterdeep Dragon Heist where he (Adam) is gay and a member of his crew is trans-gender. This is fantastic for a sense of growth for D&D. But listening to this video makes me realize that roll20 had them there specifically for that purpose. They sold it off that, not because of who they were but what they were. I could be reading too far into it but...Why would roll20 turn down massive audiences like that AND say "We have no more room for white men" if they weren't trying to sell diversity? That's....that is so fucked if its true.

/r/Roll20 Thread Link - youtu.be