Deadlift 130KG x1 - Form Check Please (my thoughts in comments)

Your hips don't just shoot up before the bar, they - and your entire torso - move horizontally towards the bar when you pull.

I can't see your feet on the initial pull but when they become visible look at how your weight is distributing; your left foot is kind of rolling towards the outside. Watch the lettering on your socks to see what I mean.

Okay so here's my advice in two parts. First - from what I can actually see - you need to setup with your shoulders *above* the bar, not in front of the bar. You then 'set' your upper back by extending your neck. Problem: you are not setting your neutral spine in a way that will carry to heavier weights. Solution: after gripping the bar, set your hips a little high. I mean a tiny bit. Then set back position - you already do a good job of this. Then lean/sit backwards to move your shoulders directly over the bar while your hips move a little down. Your shoulders and hips have a relationship here - shoulders move slightly up, hips move slightly down.

Shoulders solved, the bar *should* have a more vertical path and you should see the torso rock disappear.

Now for what i can't see but suspect. I think your knees might be caving. Are the outsides of your elbows in contact with your knees when you begin to pull? Do your knees drift in as the bar passes over them? Video yourself from the front and check these out. If it is valgus like I think, you just need to push those knees out at the bottom. This will help keep you flat footed and will also carry over to a more consistent and easier pull from the floor.

/r/formcheck Thread Link -