Dear Bethesda. Please stop nerfing low level content.

Sure can. I get maybe 1-2 hours a night to play and sometimes don't play at all. I work full time. I went to to uni for 4 years, I know how much free time you get compared to working. I'm out the door by 7am and home around 5.30pm.

Also I'm not sure how you'd be in class still, wherever you live is clearly different. Uni closed down at the end of Nov here and it's almost Christmas. Idk why you have classes currently.

It's nice you have played 2 characters, I don't have that kind of time though. Tonight I still didnt manage to finish the Missing Link (Rose's stuff). Its 10.2ppm and bed time soon, or I'll regret it tomorrow when I'm screwing up at work. I cant wait to break for xmas to sink some full days into this game like I used to do with games.

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