Survival Tents need some customization options instead of just adding new elements.

I mean, sure, but seriously, how much more convenient does this game need to get for current dwellers?

This game gets more & more like a free ride with every suggestion I read on this forum, nobody wants to do anything but combat, like it's a FPS for ffs.

It's an RPG, however "lite" a version, there is no role on earth that is as challenge free as what dwellers suggest for Appalachia.

Make a mobile CAMP with one of your slots-CAMP module & shelter door. You already have this idea available in the game, absolutely no need for them to code Survival tents so they are mini-CAMPs when shelters do that better, with the minor inconvenience of a loading screen.

I prefer the fixed assets myself, Fallout games used to be about making a decision & LIVING WITH the results, however they shook out, & I admit I dislike that so many mechanics in 76 mitigate the consequences of our decision making.

/r/fo76 Thread