the definitive guide to know if you're agp

Oh no, we understand perfectly. It is you who started out this comment thread with complete bewilderment at the idea of sexual arousal without emasculation and masochism, which we've been trying to explain to you all this time.

Perhaps you are unable to see it in the same way you find us unable to see what MEF really is, because it is clear MEF is different from AGP.

Also it is odd to see you maintain this idea that there is this secret internal "masochistic distress" present in AGP, when nothing can be further from the truth. It is obvious to us that this supposed distress, and both main themes inherent in MEF are actually an absolute inversion of AGP. This is where the so-called "hate" comes from.

AGP represents the triumph of the feminine, while MEF represents its defeat by the masculine through debasement. It is obvious to see why an AGP would be repulsed.

You are talking about a subset niche of extremely explicit themes. While I enjoy some moderately masochistic themes, there are many I hate with a passion.

That, I doubt. Isn't more masochism better for those with MEF? How could you hate the more extreme themes and not instead tend towards MEF singularity? What's holding you back?

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