Dentists in Auckland

Can't remember the name of the guy, but there's a dentist on the same block of shops as Glenfield Mall whose friendliness was recommended to me by a coworker because I'm terrified of dentists after one drilled into my gum. He gave me a free quote and explained every step and what needs to be done and why. Super friendly Asian dude who is the cheapest I've ever seen. And he has a tv right in your face so you can watch that during the procedure. Can't remember the exact price but I recall the fillings he gave me were about 30% cheaper than everywhere else and I was so stoked with how he was miles cheaper and nicer and more informative than any dentist I'd ever been too.

That was about two years ago and they're still working good (not great) since I was this close to needing a root canal. One of my fillings was actually a last ditch attempt to save me from a $1000 RC and it wasn't guaranteed to work. I'm pretty sure I'm still going to need one at some point once this filling falls out, but I've had time to save up and get insurance so I'll be prepared. Financially I mean.

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