131 words Cross posting this here in the hopes it gets picked up by the Stuff intern that browses this sub, lol. I’ve seen almost no media coverage of this. 144 words Getting well en-truely sick of it 214 words 20 Reasons why Auckland is going downhill 124 words Mental Health System has collapsed 123 words To the dickhead who called me a "Dumb Cunt" last night. 151 words Can’t even think what words to string together at this point 140 words So a bunch of people complain about social housing in Millwater and Kainga Ora backtracks on their proposal. When residents of Avondale and Mt Albert voice concerns about social housing in their neighbourhoods Kainga Ora doesn't care as much 297 words Good to see racism is alive and knitting in Orewa. 194 words "if you're not vegan, you abuse animals" 151 words What are peoples thought on an Omicron lockdown? 223 words These 2 news being side by side is even more outrageous 131 words Why are 99% of Asians in NZ vaccinated but only half the Maori’s are? 133 words Things more dangerous than the covid jab: 118 words A Protest is going down against lockdown in Auckland, what are your thoughts? 194 words Frustrated 1,454 words School Strike for Climate Friday 9 April, 12-2pm Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland bottom of Queen Street. April 9th – we’re back! It’s been a turbulent few years, but we still need climate action more than ever. Join us at 12pm, Friday, April 9th in Te Komititanga (at the bottom of Queen Street) 257 words Covid-19: Worker at Auckland quarantine facility tests positive 385 words Is anyone else spending their days crying? 227 words Tutoring - Do you need help? 277 words Dog walker 'almost in tears' after picking up almost 2kgs of poop left behind by other dogs