You deserve to be in jail for the misery your dishonesty causes. You are a fake piece of shit person. Fake.

You'll reap what you sow one day. Maybe next time police catches you repeatedly driving by ex-boyfriend's house, maybe the time you pressed charges against the same ex 2 weeks after breakup for knocking on front door the only time he's attempted to go near and drug it out for a gd year will be remembered and maybe the police will actually take action. Probably not but I do dream of a day justice is served to the deserved. I give up on any of you growing a conscience.

You all are the epitome of narcissists, the very reason that entire line of psychobabble has spread so quickly is people just like you. I'm sure y'all love the "can't handle me at my worst...." bullshit excuse to feel entitled to be a shitty person..... probably deny how that is pure narcissist and the last thing a true empath would say.

Fake ass fucks

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