Destiny 2 worth buying?

Whoever says no, should just head to the /r/circlejerk subreddit.

Destiny 2 is a great FPS and it's fun.

There are some things you should know though: the story is forgettable,it is short, it is published by Activision and it's still Destiny at its core.

To fully play Destiny you need the Forsaken expansion, and to get the Forsaken expansion you need the base game and the expansion pass that includes the two previous DLC.

Lucky you, Destiny 2 was recently bundled and can be found at a very reasonable price at trading sites / subreddits and it is absolutely worth getting.

The expansion pass has also been on multiple $10 dollar sales recently and I'd totally recommend it at that price.

I'd recommend getting the base game to see if it's your cup of tea.

/r/GameDealsMeta Thread