My [20F] Friend [20F] broke up with her boyfriend [20M] because she thought he cheated, she found it he didn’t and she won’t stop crying


From the information shared, we have no idea if she asked around or not. All we know is multiple people told her that they saw him cheating. People who cheat may also lie about it - people who love you may cheat - it’s a really difficult scenario to figure out the truth.

This is two 20 year olds who experienced a really shitty situation and a compounding scenario with quarantine making it hard for them to discuss it like they may normally.

The boyfriend clearly has every right to be very hurt and sad, and to decide he doesn’t want her back. He has done nothing wrong. But I also don’t think we need to sit here and tell this girl she deserves a harsh lesson when she also did not do anything wrong - the situation was complicated and mixed up.

/r/relationship_advice Thread Parent