Pro lifers "feminists" who lurk here, you all are an embarrassment and an offence to all actual feminists out there

I do actively fight for women’s reproductive right, so don’t come at me w that bs. Before covid I attended all Rally’s and protests in my area. I just don’t actively hate on people who have a different opinion than I do. Prochoice/life need to stop fighting eachother and actually work together to advocate for comprehensive sex Ed and free or at least affordable contraceptives. There’s not a lot of pro lifers that will change their opinions because they view it as murder, same thing as we won’t change our opinions because we don’t see it as murder (at least up until 22 weeks for me but they rarely happen). There are definitely pro-choices who hate women and are controlling (ex: Texas- clinics are closed but some anti abortion places are still open during covid)

The difference between women not being able to vote/thinking sexual assault is okay and abortion is that people literally see abortion as murder. The feminist movement is full of radical feminist and that’s disgusting. People seem to think, and I’m not saying you, that feminism is about women only when it’s about both sexes.

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