Destructive, un-linux like behavior in DarkTable.

I think you don't get/understand what the problem is.

As is the rule in (modern) linux: I, as owner of a read-only file, am not allowed to remove this file without some extra action. I.e: rm ro.file will result in rm: remove write-protected regular empty file 'ro.file'?

The option in DarTable to remove without confirmation is (SHOUL BE) the difference between rm -i and rm , which means that it will not bother me when removing normal (read/write) files. It should present me with some dialogue when encountering a read-only file. Basic Linux/Unix behavior.

I just found out that this DarkTable is even worse: If you are not owner of the file, but are part of the group that file belongs to and the file has read-only permissions for the group you are able to delete that file. WTF!

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