RetroArch's Achilles' Heel - Controls configuration

The awful controller support is the main (only?) reason I don't use RetroArch. Ironically enough, I decided to download the latest version two days ago, figured it was a couple of years since I tried it out last. The UI seems okay enough, but it was when I was trying to set up my PS4 Mini-Hori Pad that things went south fast.


PS4 Mini-Hori Pad


I didn't like the default binds so I tried to customize the inputs. I can bind most buttons, but often the controller and keyboard would just stop working on all menus, forcing me to delete the config file and try again. Other times, the menu would get stuck in a directional loop and just quickly cycle through all the options. Also, it let me (sometimes) rebind the analogs, but never the D-Pad. I gave up after awhile as I'm not patient when it comes to these kinds of bugs.


I could try another controller, but really this is the one I like to use for retro games, and it just works in every stand-alone emulator. If setting up the controls ever gets fixed, I will definitely give RetroArch another go.

/r/emulation Thread