Did Christianity destroy Europe?

I think Christianity is a lot like Capitalism in that people ascribe to it stuff that has nothing to do with it.

Lolberts will say shit like medicine, reduction of poverty etc is because of capitalism when it was actually because of technology. The industrial revolution and capitalism did catalyse each other but if all of the states were owning the property and central planning the whole time pretty much all of the innovations would have still occurred. In fact in capitalism a HUGE amount of them occurred from state research, infrastructure projects etc.

Christianity is similar, Europe's characteristics are European. Gothic cathedrals are the result of the European spirit, they were expressing their Christianity but blacks, Indians and whatever else wouldn't have expressed the same thing. I do think that when Europe was united as Christendom it was a good thing though, we had a similar conception as the ancient Greeks did with distinguishing between Greek-Greek wars and Barbarian wars. Wars within Christendom/The West/Europe were governed by rules laid out by the Church, for example we couldn't use crossbows on each other, but against the non-Occidental world we could.

A disunited Europe is a weaker Europe, if we all had one church we'd be better off for it

/r/The3rdPosition Thread