[Discussion] The upcoming TG update will only widen the gap between magicka and stamina PvE dps

I think you're thinking the grass is greener on the other side, because stamina builds have always been competitive, and for PvP stamblades have been consistently at the top of the food chain, followed closely by magicka sorcs.

You have to remember that just because a sorc has 1k overload charged and will be able to put out a good 30k+ dps easy on a trials boss, it's not like they are able to put out this much DPS on a consistent basis. While building ultimate, which takes quite a while with the last major patch, magicka sorcs are limited to ~14k dps, which is incredibly low. It's basically consistent with any magicka class spamming force pulse, give or take 4-5k dps. This is all single target of course.

Stamblades/stamplars on the other hand are able to, with proper resource management and a masterful rotation, can put out 21k+ dps at all times. Not to mention skills like executioner, caltrops, and steel tornado are without a doubt much better than most skills magicka classes have to offer (an exception that comes to mind is magblade execute, but nightblade). Sure, they aren't ideal for trials, but it's time their reign in PvP should not be limited to cheese gank builds; that time was far too long.

Magicka dks were the kings of dps but they got nerfed to lower-middle tier dps so I'm glad to see they are going to return to where they once were. You also have to remember that they will be getting buffed for pvp as well, which is something that is hugely needed.

I still think stamplars need to be reworked a bit so they can get back to where they once were, but at least their pvp is being worked on.

Remember, ZOS has the daunting task of having to balance both PvP AND PvE, so it's not like there isn't going to be one class falling behind in at least one of the several parts of the game. Having a complete balance across PvP, trials, and dungeons is no easy feat, so all we should be thankful for is the fact that they are actually listening to the community on where to take the game.

/r/elderscrollsonline Thread