2hand sword & knight "High Isle"

I'd say go orc, you'll be in full plate armor anyway right?

If you want full plate armor inspiration, look at my posts, I made a post in ESO fashion with my knight.

I came back to the game specifically because of the ascendant knight on the cover too! And went straight ahead and am living that fantasy in the game as an Orc Templar.

I'm running greatsword with the oakensoul ring so that I'm only using the sword.

My bar is wrecking blow - cleave - executioner - stampede - first Templar healing ability and dawnbreaker for the ult

It's working like a charm honestly!

For set I'm running full new moon acolyte (heavy) The sword is the maelstrom 2 hammer for the bleed on charge And then some pieces of sword singers

This is not ideal, but it's what I got to work with and I'm still new and learning. I'd appreciate anyone coming with suggestions to improve my set game.

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