Dmt and alien abduction theory

Ok, I will level with you.

So, let's assume that alien abductions are real, and that your theory that DMT makes people remember and experience these abductions are real. Here are some conclusions:

  1. It doesn't matter. Even without DMT, if these abductions are real (either in our plane of reality, or in another plane of reality), they would happen anyway.

  2. We're still here. Which means that the intention of these aliens is not to harm us. And if there are aliens who do intend to harm us, there are others who will have an opposite agenda. See, if Alien race #1 exists, then it means that alien race #2 and #1000 also exist, and are aware of each other. So just because there's a bad egg race among them, we don't get to bail out. There are plenty of bad egg people among us too. I don't see us wanting to jump off a bridge just because our neighbor next door is an a$$hole.

  3. At the larger point of view, someone else manipulates THEM. Why? Why do we manipulate cows? Chickens? Even plants? It's a hierarchical system, my friend. Get used to it.

  4. Even if you "plug out of the matrix", you will end up in another matrix. Sure, one level "higher" (or "inner"), but a matrix nonetheless. According to Buddhists and pretty much all esoteric faiths, all realities everywhere are all virtual. The only thing that truly exists is the void, its potential, and the ALL THAT IS that arises from it (what some people call "God"). All other realities (even the formless realities, or the DMT Elf realities), are as much constructed out of consciousness, as this one right here.

  5. DMT is simply a "brain hack" to get you to shift your consciousness from this frequency to another. Same as meditation is, or trance, or other methods. It just happens to be the fastest one and most intense one.

Your reaction to all this was like this: "I just had a sour patch candy, maybe I should cut out my tongue." Well, obviously you shouldn't. And if you do feel that you want to do this, indeed, seek some help because you're not seeing the whole picture. You're seeing only the negative slivers of a picture you just want to see. Expand.

/r/DMT Thread