DMT trip to end all DMT trips. 10/10, would not recommend.

Lots of mixed advice and statements. I'm going to give you some bits of wisdom which come from my brother who lead ayahuasca retreats for nearly a decade, as well as general advice from contemporary and ancient gurus and mystics:

When our body and mind is confronted with a great challenge, such as you describe, the way forward is simple: Care for the body. You may have a lot of thoughts and questions about reality and your place in this world. That will take some time to sort out. For now, just try to focus on the post-ceremony healing aspect. Your mind has done a great purge so it's a good time to focus on the healing aspects of the body.

What I am saying is to eat healthy, get rest, and just focus on being good to your body. Make some herbal tea and drink a warm mug and just enjoy it. Have a salad when you can eat, and focus on foods like fresh fruit and vegetables. Smoothies are great. Avoid junkfood, oily foods (except avocado), alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine.

The body and mind are linked in very strong ways, especially in the gut via manufacturing or neurotransmitters. After a heavy trip you're going to feel a bit low for a couple of days. Kind of like not having enough serotonin. Like the hangover from doing MDMA. It will pass within a day or two, improving each day. Healthy foods will help your gut make sure transmitters are available, however the mind must self-regulate again, and that simply takes time and patience.

Healing the body is the most useful thing you can do right now if your mind is distressed.

You may have a lot of thoughts and feelings. Understand that there are no questions at all which need to be answered right now. Those answers will come when it's time and you will process your emotions in time. For now, just let all your emotions and feelings pass over you like a wave. If you feel anxiety or emotional, imagine it passing over you like a wave. Feelings and emotions are transitory. Nothing needs to be done. There are no decisions to be made. For now you just relax and float downstream and let it be.

I had my first and only big experience a couple weeks ago and it was pretty intense. Like, I took a big bong-hit style puff (no idea how much) and it all went in really fast and I was basically transformed immediately and lost in some world of fractal colors and watching my own thoughts take physical form. I lost all sense of my self for a bit and couldn't even tell if I was still breathing, which made me panic for a second. I tried to open my eyes by my vision was just flying around everywhere in various colors. And then I remembered by years of training and just decided to lay back again and go with the trip. It passed, I came down, and I was burned out the next day.

I thought I would have some amazing transformational experience but 2 days later, I was essentially the same person as before, only I had an experience. I felt a strong emotion like it was important and I needed to tell someone. Like I had seen a UFO or something. Some people took interest but the fact is, despite my body dissolving and the ego death, brief moment of panic, it was really just an amazing light show. Only real take away was seeing my thoughts in physical form. Made me realize a special relationship with thoughts like, you can't really hate someone without loving them in some way. And when our thoughts are bullshit, they come out that way, the sort of separate a bit and then the bullshit gets knocked off. Meaning we really can't hide the truth very well from others or from ourselves. I'm not sure that's a life changing experience for me.

For about 2-3 days afterwards I just ate simple, took care of myself, and I was fine. You will be too. Make some herbal tea and just allow your emotions and feelings to pass over you like a wave. Have a smoothing. Allow time to pass.

/r/DMT Thread