Why does Reddit allow subs that automatically break content policy, such as r/FreeKarma4You?

Wait until you find out about some power mods here...the amount of brutal breaking of content policy by Reddit's favored free labor force is painful.

Then, there are those of us who try to do good, and also report these other mods, only to get ignored.

There's A LOT of greenlighting posts, comments, messages, and such that very clearly breaks Reddit's rules.

Shoot, there are hate subs that Reddit straight up refuses to remove or correct, with responses to our reporting being either "we give mods a wide berth in how they run their communities" to "this is not considered bigotry" (when it is, by definition, textbook bigotry).

All in all, don't be surprised, Reddit is going for clicks and views without getting in trouble or scaring people off.

/r/help Thread