Doing this for a dollar

  • Lay down on your chest as the sun goes down on a clear horizon, just as it passes pop back up, and watch it set again. Alternatively, watch the sun set, take an elevator to the top floor of a taller building, watch it set again.

  • Take a boat into the ocean. Watch as the land fades into the distance as you get further out. The land is hiding behind the curvature of the earth.

  • Watch a boat take off out to sea. The boat will "disappear" over the horizon bottom to top (the bottom of the boat won't be visible before the top) because the bottom of the boat is hiding over the curvature of the earth.

  • People in the south hemisphere see different stars and constellations than those in the northern hemisphere. If it were flat, we'd see the same thing.

  • Go to a condo for vacation, look out into the ocean, see the curvature literally right in front of you. The higher up in elevation you are, the more you see. Doesn't happen with a flat earth.

This is shit you could do for yourself. I'm not a physics professor, either. I googled "why is the earth not flat" and was barraged with experiments that wouldn't be possible if the earth were flat. I don't read into flat earth theory much because it pisses me off, but I don't know any other way you could explain these things. This isn't even evidence, this is opening your eyes. Ever wonder why they come up with more conspiracy theories like "NASA LIES: HIDDEN FOOTAGE2016 - Classified video shows NASA faking satellite images!! #mustwatch2016" than providing legitimate data? There's your reason. Because it's 2017 and we can fly in the sky with airplanes and rockets.

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