Free Talk Friday

There is one guy here who keeps saying how hard 20s are and that even Naowh is struggling with timing +20 keys. Naowh literally timed 20s with 340ilvl and even naked on his prot warrior.

Like, just hitting up a Dorki or Naowh stream, even they're "only just" doing like 20-22 keys all day - and even for them it's not easy, even while playing in coordinated groups with voice.

If you were a rank 1 key pusher last season you most likely didn't have problems getting 20s for your weekly vault since week 3. Just judging from my friends I pushed with the last season.

People in this sub are adamant about Explosives not being the healer's job. Watch any high key stream and you will see that healers are doing 80-90% of explosives. Asking for help during spicy pulls.

We have a resto druid in our group and he solos explosives in 21-22 keys

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