Drunkbeard the pirate.

From interacting with you, I'm sure if you killed yourself you'd just be doing everyone who knows you a favour, you fucking melodramtic whiny attention-seeking bitch. All I'm trying to sya is that maybe you should have told him "no", and you can't accept it and are throwing a bitch fit because I'm not lavishing you with positive attention and treating you like a poor little girl who scraped her knee. You're an adult, and if you want to be treated like one, start acting like one and take responsibility for the fact that its YOUR inability to say no that caused this situation. You had no reason to think that he was going to "beat the shit out of you" so stop trying to add shit that makes it seem like you're anything but a whiny, crying little girl who's upset that someone kissed her and she didn't have the guts to tell him to stop. You didn't even tell your friend you didn't want to be alone with him - was that because your friend might have "beat the shit out of you" as well? No, it's probably because you're a little submissive bitch who would rather have people walk all over her and then cry about it later then actually stop it at the time, knowing that you're sure to get the sympathy and positive attention that you so desperately crave. Have fun getting raped next time you're on a date and the guy puts his arm around you. And I don't believe for a second that you are trying to stop being a victim of abuse, your posts scream victim mentality, and until you grow the fuck up and take responsibility for your own life, all you're ever going to be is a poor little crying victim, squeezing every drop of sympathy out of everybody around you and then moving on. You're a fucking emotional leech and I doubt anybody would miss you if you did kill yourself. So you don't have to tell me to fuck off again, I'm out. Grow a fucking spine.

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