[Serious] People who performed sexual favors in school or in the workplace to get ahead, What was it for? And what are things like now?

I didn’t do the banging but my coworker did and I managed to get some perks of it. We were 17 and worked for a gross middle aged married guy that had like 8 kids. He was clearly into teenage girls but never came on to me because I was pretty clearly not having it. Made fun of him a lot and was generally a pain in the ass for him. She got pregnant though and I had a hunch so I made a joke about him adding another kid to his basketball team and then we just stared at each other for awhile.

Anyway, that was a fun summer of smoking weed in the cooler, showing up late, and being a terrible worker. He’d bring me Starbucks every time we worked together and would do all of my closing bitch work for me.

I do wish I’d said something though. I didn’t realize how messed up it was at the time. I just though my coworker was a gross slut but she was a child taken advantage of by a predatory old man. ☹️ The guilt definitely wasn’t worth some iced coffee and shift naps.

/r/AskReddit Thread