Just found out I have diabetes. I'm deviated. Please help me get healthy again!

Most of us here aren't doctors, so be careful taking advice from people on the internet about your health.

That said, keto can be a great way to control and even reverse the effects of diabetes, and a lot of people have done so.

I suggest finding a doctor who understands that a high-carb (and even medium-carb) diet and diabetes don't go together. You especially want to be careful since you're on medications for diabetes. You'll want to work with your doctor to find the best way to control you blood sugar with diet and then try to get off those meds.

Check out this Canadian doctor who had done a lot with treating diabetes and obesity with what is essentially keto (Dr. Jason Fung): https://www.youtube.com/user/drjasonfung

This way of eating, once commit to it, can reap wonders for you... control of your diabetes, weight-loss, just plain "feeling better".

And it's not as hard as you'd think... pasta... think about it - the best part of it is the sauce and cheese you put on it. So just skip the pasta and go for the sauce and cheese, maybe over some veggies instead (zucchini noodles, cauliflower rice, etc.) Bread... that's a tough one because there's nothing like a fresh-baked loaf of something like a ciabatta. Not much you can do there, I'm afraid, but then again, there are so many amazingly delicious things you can eat under keto that it's not horrible.

Save things like that for a rare treat. For example, I only have a few tater tots (one of my favorite things) or potato chips after I finish a triathlon. Oddly, though, I find them less appealing over time anyway.

Also remember... it took a long time to put that weight on, it will take a while to get it off. Be patient, keep your carbs low, and find some activity you enjoy, and you'll be well on your way.

Lastly, this isn't something you do in the short-term to get the weight off, then go back to what you used to do. Your body is broken when it comes to carbs - it just can't handle them. You can never really go back to eating them like you used to or you'll put all the fat back on again.

/r/keto Thread