She either gone or she dead!

The shop closed just prior our son's birth Dec of I watched something I did work hard on just stop and I was ok walking away because of the bigger picture was our son. I went unemployed for X month's until he was born, and stayed so for the first 8 months of his life I would never change that for anything ever, help from my parents and my wife cashing out a 401 helped us figure out what to do L offered to move to the country and my wife was game for it so was I. A city is no place for a kid to play so we moved in with her to change our environment and start anew. The morning our son was born was the morning my job became Gages Dad it was part of my first father to son talk as the sun rose in the room window and I got a smile from him and my heart melted for this boy and all my attention was on our child, it's what I was supposed to do. My wife started to pull away from us further after we moved up something she wanted to do and I believed would help us wasn't, our son was 4 months old. She fought me on belly time for him amongst other bad habits I now see was an issue he was required to have a band or helmet and she refused treatment. She wore the same thing, hardly showered, was grungy whatever we were in the country our son was passing the newborn health checks all appeared well. My wife and L were plugging away at events and our son and I just enjoyed the entertainment he loves music and dancing and I can support that. You probably have seen us out and about shit my kid has been to 8 festivals a few private parties and we did reggae fest in Ohio! You wish your parents were as cool as us. We knew there was an underlying issue that needed to be dealt with but I did the dad thing and she did the organization thing this whole time she was planning on leaving her side of the family and some of her close friends knew about her attentions. Our son was where he should be on charts seemed to have just normal kinks like kids do and it was time for me to get to work. My wife had a reality check of country life I work long days. A little while ago that a good spouse always knows kicked in I fired up the security system wanted to anyways for pole barn so cool for a long time I had been getting the vibe from my wife that I and baby G did something wrong. I asked around no one said anything but L and I guess this is where the hippie comes in play, L said no you guys aren't but watch your wife, the hippie and I had a talk one day and it was a beautiful moment while we played with the kids. I promised to say nothing of what was talked about. I did my homework and found out a neighbor, a 15 year convicted felon with no job no car no license was fucking just about every day, same room, same bed as our son slept, her sister knew along with another city friend. She was planning to leave with him and move out supposedly down the road but still expect to saty married to me, I had confronted her about the affair and she denied it couldn't explain him over just a few minutes after I leave for work and staying for an hr before sneaking out, camera caught you ninja! Confronted him and he couldn't man up at first he's a weak ninja but confessed to it all. We had already split up a few weeks ago, she felt tied down had a robbed youth and wasn't happy, she wanted her cake and eat it to and I wanted over kid involved. I asked her to go do her go be happy go be yourself if you want that. I believe she was looking to see how I'd take it she knows well be ok. Look people knew the sister has 7 kids now and is obsessive when it comes to our child and knew about this, and the two others since we moved. Monday L asked the felon to end it because he was destroying families, she told my wife the same thing she's MaMa to 2,500 festival goers she has a following to say the least you kinda listen when MaMa says knock it off. He broke up with her starting some where Monday late to early Tuesday morning she already had a bag stashed somewhere of clothes. We were fending for our selves for a few already I wanted to talk about how we can pull off a divorce and be cool in front of our child, she was upset when I picked her up and started with bashing L in ways I never heard before, and started to ball over the loss of her best friend...and that he missed me too. The moment I knew she lost her mind what sweets did the heat in your pants melt your brain? She wanted to get out as soon as we hit the road I didn't people she was at me how she didn't have normal tobacco or cash, crying about this face tat felon fucker she really likes wanting to get out of the car it was weird people I got a block away from her work and pulled over on a busy ass road in a tourist town. I handed her a pack of smokes $10 cash for lunch Argo early drop off I wanted her to eat before an 8 hour day I told her regardless what's happening I do love you, she slammed door had a cold shoulder walked towards her work one block away. I went my way to work to finish my day. What didn't think I'd divorce you? then you bounce on baby G and I yeah we're done, o play more mindfuck games with people while your sister looses her mind, it's sad it's become the sister's shit show and everyone is forgetting about the Child and while I sat there in slightly shock that she's this selfish L fought for baby G and I when I couldn't say shit...May have not helped all the time she posted in, but we found the hole in the sand pile funny as fuck, we're fixing the two track people. Yeah that's right all you that call her family and friends never came up to visit her did you? Not once. It's amazing how much power an individual has from over 150 miles away, and the not knowing the neglecte that our son faced over the past 9 months since L moved down the road so we can have our shot out here I was working all the time and she was already doing herself and baby G and I were never in the equation. Don't be fooled she didn't love us. Once you know what to make of her running off let me and baby G know we have questions. Michael is a son Mary is a friend Kel has lost her mind because a divorce with full custody means she probably won't be seeing baby G for awhile Fuck heroin is because to many of our kids in the community are od-ing from that shit Never cheated on my wife so no dildo death accident I explained the two brents part Yeah think that sums it up

Can I take a guess who started this all well I will A baby A and Miss K - well played dear well played

P.S I'm sure Kim is fine she's not stupid and she's watching the show just like us all I guess. She just didn't want to be a mom anymore something she could never tell her sister or best friend who just had her first...

Life kids life, if you learn anything from this it's say something when you see something abuse verbal or physical, neglecte, a hurt on a brother or sister's face that can be read like an open book in church, you have the utilities already wired to pick these abnormal feelings up. It's natural don't ignore them get outraged, upset, cry, hurt they are emotions they will not kill you but could bother you for years if you don't let them act themselves.

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