Elgifs: What Are They, And How to use them

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Hello! I am SeinaruAverra, One of the first generations of players to play BFGL, and have gone through a few different accounts due to poor planning or bad luck.

I jsut want to cover a few things because I keep hearing of "Who should I use Elgif X on?" or "What Kind of Elgift should I use on X Unit?"

I want to try and answer those by covering What Elgifs are, What is their Purpose, and How to use them.

Section One: What are Elgifs, and How to Acquire them.

Elgifs are fuzzy, crown wearing, Tablet weilding monsters who have different effects based on what their Rarity and their skill is.

These Skills can be anywhere to a mere 10% in a singular stat, to a massive combination of Stats, BC Gen, and abilities such as Crit Rate and DMG.

Elgifts give Purple Extra Skills(I refer to them as EXS) which can be given to Any unit and will remain through evolutions. i.e You feed an Elgift to a 5, and that unit will keep it as you raise it to a 7. Elgifts come in 7 Raritys, From 1 Star to 7 Star variants, each depicting an Extra Skill with Varying levels of potency. Elgifts, once used are gone. If you feed a second Elgift to a Unit that already has an EXS, The new one will overwrite the old one.

In JP, they are given out as rewards for Hunter Rank, In their own dungeons(Much Like Imps) or as the occasional reward for events.

In global, There has been only one instance of acquireable Elgifts so far, but we should be seeing the Dungeon and other methods soon.

Here is a Link to a Master list of skill names, effects and Rarities, if you are curious. http://bravefrontierglobal.wikia.com/wiki/Gameplay:Elgif_and_Emgif

Section Two: Emgifs

Emgifs are the darkened cousins of the Elgifs, who covet thier abilities and wish to steal their tablets!

Actually, Emgifs are the complete opposite of the Elgifs. They remove EXS abilities from units and become Elgifs, ready to be reused for another units. They simply do 1 job, and do it well.

You can purchase them from the Merit point shop in the Imperial City Randell for 5000 Points, and refresh at 99 at a time. Have Fun swapping your EXS's around!

Section Three: What is their Purpose?

Okay, this is where I need to sit everyone down at the Meta Table, Look them in the eye and tell them to shut up long enough to let me speak.

No Elgif is a Bad Elgif.

The point of Elgifs are to allow a player to customize a unit to fit their preferred style of play, bring a lackluster unit with a really good ability up to snuff for harder content, Or exacerbate how good a singular unit can become with some effort.

Now I know the disappointment of getting a less than awsome Elgif. "Only 10% Rec? Only 10% HP/Atk? Man these ones suck!" Actually, They dont. Those could be used on Units that you like but need help in those stats, Or if they are your only ones, you can use them on units you want to pull even more out of.

I also know the Joy of getting some better ones. "20% All stats for Anima Types? WHO DO I PUT IT ON?!" I have spent 4 or 5 Emgifs playing around with that singular EXS... ouo;;

Which brings me to my next section...

Section 4: Who do I put X Effect on.

That is a choice only you can make. Anyone and everyone can make their own suggestions based on theoretical ideas, but that is truly only your choice.

My Personal Opinions

Put your Stat Based ones on ones that either need the increase, or you use very often. Good Examples may be HP and DEF on your Mitigators, ATK on your Nukers, REC on your Healers, and the All Stats on your MVPs.

Put your Spark Elgifs on your Best Sparking Animation units, or Units you predominantly use in Spark Teams, Like Zedus, Ciara, Chrome, and Elza.

Crit Elgifs should go to units with, Well, Crit focused ES's. My reason behind that is because those who have the Heightened Crit Dmg/Rate ES's would benefit the most, while those who primarily appear on those teams will benefit as well.

Status Inflicting/Resistance, Conditional, and BC Maintenence Elgifs are Unit by Unit basis. Semira is a great candidate for any Status infliction Elfigts, and High BC-Cost units should have the support of the BC Maintenence, Such as Tridon.

Section 5: Thanks, and Questions

Thank you to the Brave Frontier Pros for supporting my Decision to make this and you for Reading this little blurb of help!

I do want to leave 2 Questions for you all.

Without saying a 5, 6, or 7 star elgif, which elgif has the best possible uses?

What was your Best Elgif, and who did you use it on and Why?

  • You wrote jsut which should have been just

  • You wrote thier which should have been their

<3 Good day Virnibot | Thanks | You

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