ELI5: If the government considers you an adult at 18, than why does federal financial aid deem you inelegible for assistance if you're parents make too much money?

See... this is an perfect example of what I'm talking about...

The reason I was homeless was actually because my parent moved when I graduated, but I decided to stay where I was to be with my girlfriend at the time. Even though I didn't have a job yet I thought I could make it work.

... because you were high most of the time and detached from the reality of the situation. If I were to guess, I would say you found a girl that would - at least in the beginning - accept your drug/alcohol abuse and, when your parents moved, you saw that as an opportunity to have the life you thought you wanted without their interference/buzzkill. But, then reality kicked in a little and ...

...my girlfriend promptly cheated on and dumped me...

.. because most girls don't want a guy who an active addict. There's a lot of pressure on young women from their parents and society to be successful (both in terms of career and mate choice). Addiction is a sure fire way to lose a woman.. especially a young woman thinking about her future.

but I stayed in the city because...

... because it provided you easy access to drugs and a party scene. Please don't try and make it out to be some noble thing. Heroin? You and I both know how addictive it is and the best/least risky/cheapest way to get it is in a large, anonymous city. I lived in the city for 8 years.

I had a job and was already in school trying to make shit work...

I'm sure you were trying to make those things work. But, you didn't and you can't when you're active in your addiction. How do I know? Because...

I've been off all drugs...

... if it wasn't affecting your life for the worse you wouldn't be trying to quit. Now, I say "trying" because...

(except alcohol)

... alcohol is a drug. Period. There's no "exception". It is. That it's more socially acceptable than heroin doesn't change the fact that it's a drug... and that it ruins people lives and often kills them. In fact, the World Health Organization has classified alcohol related deaths as THE NUMBER ONE cause of preventable pre-mature death in the world. Fact.

Now, you can say "other people do it so why can't I?". True. But, you're an addict. Your brain is already hard wired that way. And, once wired to become addicted to substance, it is literally impossible to unwire it. Again, how do I know?


I rarely ever drink

Most non-addictive drinkers rarely every qualify their drinking like that. Most simply say, "I'm going to have a drink." ... or they say nothing at all and just have a drink. There's no guilt and no shame because they already know they don't drink often and, when they do, they're in control and handle their consumption with maturity and control.

Only addicts feel the need to qualify their substance intake.. usually by minimizing it like you just did. I mean, really. You're coming from abusing heroin - THE most addictive drug on the market - to alcohol. And, you think you can handle it?

You'll be right back where you started within the next few years - give or take. I guarantee it.

I have no intentions to quit drinking.

Of course not, you're addicted. If you weren't, you wouldn't bother even saying that. Do yourself an experiment... don't drink for a year. See if you can make it.

Also, I haven't been homeless in a long time lol.

So what? How long is a long time? Most people haven't been homeless EVER. The mere fact that you've been homeless in the past makes it statistically more likely that you will be again. The same with being an addict.

I have an awesome apartment

I have a house, a car, a motorcycle, an Ivy League education, a six figure job, loving friends, the respect of the community, an ordinate sense of esteem and awareness for/of myself and my limits, an unapologetic spirit and faith in the universe.

Again, so what?

You should be grateful you have the things you have an, more importantly, HUMBLED be the fact that you made it this far without killing yourself.

... but live alone :/

And... what? This is something displeases you? Something that distresses you? Something you want to change. Well... stop behaving like a jackass, stop the pity party, stop making excuses for yourself, stop believing your own bullshit and do what it takes to change!

Don't believe me? This...

Was homeless college student at 19. It's basically impossible to get independent status. And they won't let you have food stamps if your a student either.

.. is all the proof you need. Blaming "them" for your problems. Moreover, you left out the part where you were an active drug addict for most of that time and, had I not suspected and said something, I'm sure you would have been more than happy to leave that part out and collect your Reddit Gold.

And, by the way, this...

I just accepted a job offer with a six figure salary that I start in June

... is completely bullshit, too. I happen to be a Software Engineer working for one of the largest IT companies on the planet. I've been working in IT for nearly two decades - except when I couldn't hold a job because of my addiction. I work with dozens of student co-ops and recent grads. And, there is no way a recent grad with your history is making six figures. None. Not even in Silicon Valley.

So, quit the "I can be anyone I want on Reddit" bullshit. Because the only person you're impressing - and hurting - is yourself.

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