eli5: Why do some technical problems simply disappear as soon as you switch a device off and on again?

I will try to translate those answers into non-programmer language.

You write some problems, that means not all. You see most of those problems users are facing are software related issues.

Just yesterday I had this problem on my macbook which caused the sound system to sound cracked and you couldn’t really hear a thing. I figured out restarting the mac would fix it but I wanted to know what caused this. You can thing of any software in any type of machine as a service, which runs maybe for the lifetime the machine is switched on. It does it job but somewhere in the code for the service there is some nasty bug and bad code which makes it run under unexpected behaviour so it breaks. Mostly you reset the device because it is fastest way to reset the service and make the problem go away (because you don’t have to search the solution to the problem online or in manual). So with the reset the problem would disappear but I wanted to know which service actually ruins this. I restarted it and everything was fine again.

Most of the services can be reset with the machine still operating so it will make your problem disappear, but sometimes you need restart your device to allow those startup services.

/r/explainlikeimfive Thread