I just got a job at McDonalds and I HATE it!

I took a job at the Golden Arches in high school. I can’t completely relate to your story but there certainly was a similar feeling. Anything you need to do there can be taught quite easily I believe they should even have a computer available for training courses. If you don’t know how to do something just ask, if your coworkers are rude about it just remind them it will slow them down to keep helping you. Aside from the culture there look at the benefits you have right now. Your meals are basically free when you’re on the job, (if you make your own food just make the best shit and wrap it in a cheeseburger wrapper and pay the employee price of the cheeseburger nobody knows or cares.) Flexible hours as long as you can give them weekends. They also help with money towards university. Start applying elsewhere but keep it until you are set somewhere else, hell maybe even keep it after that for the benefits. I got hired somewhere else but kept it and only worked Saturday Sunday for a year and got to keep the benefits.

/r/jobs Thread