Elon Musk: "we’ll just keep funding Ukraine govt for free"

I'm a big believer in Occam's Razor, and don't think this is hard to understand Musk's recent tweets at all.

Social media really gets to people, and Musk is on Twitter all the time. Reading all the hate, anger, snark builds up. It's why everyone almost universally agrees places like twitter are terribly bad. When Musk put out his idea for peace--which to Musk was probably him doing the right thing--it's not a shocker he got upset when people turned on him. It probably didn't help starlink has been instrumental in Ukraine's military successes. He replied out of spite, like most of social media users would, and then after time to think about it sucked it up.

Starlink put in the request to the Pentagon over a month ago to get them to pay for all of the starlinks in use in Ukraine. Musk didn't 'pull' starlink to spite Ukraine.

/r/UkrainianConflict Thread Link - twitter.com