Engineer's Questions to Fire Chief of Reading, PA on Factory Explosion Fri 25, 2023

awwww dippy hellooo cup-tear

dippy I am f-king with u

you go dips-it,

are you spasming all over the place because of what I know? it rubs you the wrong way?

like I said reach out to your state senator and ask them what the enlightenment age u/Top-Appointment-8334 u/sunflower1940 u/thesunflowerseeds and u/jhartke are reading in the tea leaves. Get yourself a gypsy tarot card reader.

You never met a construction crew before? for every engineer there is a hundred construction guys, it is a 100 to one ratio, I hate their guts because they are a pain in the wallet, but I dont go around calling them weirdos and assholes. And you are the top poop defending all the other Biffs on this thread (manure eating Biff from Back to the Future), wow such a charmer taken by himself

I get it, you admire yourself in the mirror a lot lately

Are you gonna go cryin to mamma or dadda? dont cry, wipe yourself with your diaper

/r/CatastrophicFailure Thread Parent