Entrepreneurs do you day trade? Is anyone making money from autotrading?

Don't day trade. And here is why. To be a successful day trader you need to have a very good understanding of the stock market. Which based on your use newsletters sounds like you don't. Not trying to be rude here, but there you hear more stores of people making money telling people how to day trade rather than day trading themselves. I have always looked at it this way. Almost all Funds(hedge funds, mutual funds, PE funds) lose or only match what the whole stock markets return was for a given year. Actively moving money has been proven time and time again to normally end up making less money than buy and holding(this is what warren buffet does*). Day trading is not something the majority or even 10% of people who try it will ever succeed at. This is not implying they arent bright, or they are too risky. It is just saying the stock market its very mean and even more so very unforgiving. Remember, if you lose 35k you lost it and there is no way to get it back. The market is highest rush gambling you can find, but only the people with a keen touch and an astounding ability to read the market will do well in it.

If you wan't to make money in the market, please oh please read before rushing into anything. Don't read newsletters either read at least a few of these(bold is required readings before you start IMO)

Again, please at least read the bold ones on that list before even thinking about actively trading in the market. I understand. You won't be doing a lot of the trading because its based around what your newsletters suggest(this is what i got from reading the post, am I wrong?). If for some reason you are still willing to let your news letters do your trading, the I implore you read each and every newsletters disclaimer. Let me say that again. READ EVERY NEWSLETTERS DISCLAIMER you would be surprised the number of news letters that have the following line in it

"We at times do accept paid incentives to promote one or more securities to the reader. Securities that are being promoted may be given a priority by rating from us, we make no claims to have researched and are not responsible for the performs of the security.

We all hear stories of making money fast in the stock market but the fact is that is just not what happens. The people who consistently make the most money are the ones who do it over long periods of time, ones who don't move with the market but have a investing plan that is good for both times when the market is up or down. There a lot of facts that should scare away would be day traders if they just looked them up. One that gets me the most is that something like 90% of all stock trade volume a day is by institutional investors. So what makes you think you could beat a team of 15-1500 who job it is to beat the market and more often than not they lose to it.

So I leave you with this. If you wan't to make money with stocks. Put the money you would have put in a day trading account into a whole market index fund, something like vanguard(head over to /r/investing to see why vanguard is so recommended) read the books I gave you and then go find at least four or five more. Then maybe invest some of that money into day trading, Not all of it. You know why? because after you invest a little you are going to go buy more books and read those as you see how your stock picks are preforming. The point I am trying to get at is this. Two things are required to make someone successful at investing. Time and reading. I hope I helped. Feel free to ask if you have any questions.

/r/Entrepreneur Thread