Episode 11 Discussion

Yes! Although, it may seem possible to predict our friend's behaviour. Because we either rely on the schema to do so, or we assume that he or she will follow the social norm and behave in a certain way. The reality though, every person is like" Pandora's box," and you will never know what is inside that box. in other words, every one of us perceives the world differently. Therefore, our interpretation of the world is different, and so our actions.

Yes! I will help a bystander. However, It depends on the number and the impact of the channel factor that will be available in a situation. It is hard to ignore the strength of the situation in a social context. 

Over the years, I learn to distance myself from judging others. I believe that the more you travel, meet new people, and experience different cultures; you build the capacity to be more open-minded. So,  it became easy not to judge others. I don't believe that people born with bad intentions. Everyone makes his or her own choices, and walk through their path in life . So, since our personality traits are different so our capabilities. 

I would say it is unethical because it created capabilities. 

Distress to the participates. No one should go through guilt, frustration, and anxiety to prove a point that had been confirmed by wars and social conflicts throughout history!

I would start to make each person love himself or herself for whom she is and not for how many likes they get on Instagram. To stop judging others based on what the media says to be or to do. And BE YOUR SELF.