Etsy: Saving Morons From Themselves Since 2015 - A Dose of Buckley

pricktroooollll is at it again Buckley. Here's her comment: So people with down syndrom (or those on welfare for any other reason that they have no way of controlling) on welfare should die of starvation because they can't work, or here's an even better one, a SOLDIER, who risks his life for YOUR fucking freedom to post this bullshit, shouldn't get support from the very people he/she risked everything for? You lost a limb and have no way of putting food on the table anymore? Too bad, the strongest will always win, fuck you, you can just die, because I'm too selfish to bother supporting you. Don't mind enjoying the freedom you died for, though. 

Sick kids? Let them die. The healthy strong rich entitled cunts of the world should just be able to keep their money, and to hell with you. Who gives a shit about 7 year old Suzie with cancer, right?

What about the Nazis? Are they your heroes, Buckley? They LOVED toting "strong will outlive the weak" to justify murdering people they labeled as "inferior," or practicing sick experiments on. This was probably also the mentality of parents who bore downs syndrome children, and labeled them "freaks" for being different, and sold them to the fucking circus.

Idiot, humans are above antelope, or any other fucking animals. Animals are run by instinct. That's why you don't find a tiger being put to jail for "murdering" another tiger for land or territory by other members of its species, who want "justice." Nope, that seems to be purely human. Gee, I wonder why that is? Maybe because we're ABOVE what you just tried comparing us to. Thats' why there's no monkey court. I guess we should just abandon morals because darwinism, right? Just abandon all moral common sense, and live like we're glorified apes? The more you can kill, hey, the better you are. You're dangerous, others will fear you. Fuck morality, fuck right and wrong, fuck caring about your fellow man, just do whatever works to get what YOU want, and fuck everybody else. Ah, darwinism."

I think it's time to block her.

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