The narrative that we as individuals can "do our part" to solve climate change is untrue and dangerous.

I want to preface this by saying that I have no skin in the game. I don't care if this world gets destroyed. I hope it does and runaway climate change turns us into the next Venus. I don't care but your logic is simply faulty.

When just 100 companies produce 70% of the carbon that is killing the planet it's not up to individuals to recycle a bit more or make sure they turn off the lights when they're not in the room.

Those companies are catering to you, the consumer. Take responsibility. If you don't buy their shit, they won't pollute. It's that simple.

It's up to government to step in and set regulations that limit the amount of damage companies can legally do to the earth.

The government will never regulate consumerism. They want MORE materialistic consumption. Again, it's up to you. Take responsibility.

The "individuals can make small changes to lead sustainable lives" is a very convenient narrative for big business to push so that the focus is on us and not them - even though they must change more drastically and much sooner.

Actually the "big companies are to blame" is a way for virtue signallers to pass the buck onto someone else, instead of taking action themselves.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread