Etudes with spoken introductions that announce the key?

Thanks for the list, was just listening to shosta's preludes/fugues earlier

I’m not sure what benefit anyone would get from hearing someone speak the scale tones out loud. You’d probably be better served by studying the circle of fifths and the key signatures to learn how the scales are spelled.

I'm fairly familiar with composition/analysis and have a good handle on the circle of 4ths/5ths as well as scalar/chordal construction. If I'm being honest the reason I'm looking for these specific compositions or something along the same lines is more for experimental purposes than anything else. I'm interested in the potential effects of long term hypnopaedic exposure of these in tandem with high information music (and intense, well structured study during the day - of course) in young adults.

Like Rick says in the video, high information music is great for familiarizing the brain to sounds but without note names there's nothing for the brain to make a clear association with. I'm in no way aiming for perfect pitch nor do I think I'll attain it through this (because I tend to agree with rick that true perfect pitch is only attainable when the brain is malleable enough), but I think there is a potential for the brain to absorb some amount of information during sleep that could potentially aid study/fluency.

Worst comes to worst, I can probably mock up a few of these etudes for each key and do the narration myself once I get my interface up and running again

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