Does anyone else absolutely hate Scoai'teal control decks currently?

Idk i got sick of them pretty fast, even winning isn't worth the stress and extra time both you and the other spends in taking your turns in that sort of bs matchup. I just disconnect my net count to three and reconnect or recon soon as soon as it says the service is unavailable (since if you concede too often they will perma ban you , even blizzard doesn't do that [but what blizzard does is just as bad by taking away rewards for wins even, had to leave a bot on overnight a few times to play for me cause of that real smart blizz]) since it's alot faster than letting the rope end the match knowing that type of player will often be a tad psychopathic and decide to screw around with you by dragging itout knowing you wanna just moveon (priests often did this a LOT in hearthstone before good guy blizzard nerfed them in standard). just disconnect ur net, queue again. on a bad night expect to do this about a quarter of the matches you play, maybe even more (why you disconnect rather than concede).

/r/gwent Thread