Fake News? Any Government official, or Corporation that wants to tell you what "FAKE NEWS" is themselves the fraudulent party

There needs to be more white collar famous people arrested for crime, and made to do the time. Enough is enough. End the pedophile rings, end the CIA Drug smuggling.,end the human trafficking, get Satanists out of political offices, get the inside traders on wallstreet locked up and businesses dismantled, get all of the white collar crimianls, and fuck their shit up. Being wealthy is a privilege and an honor that comes at the price of the wealthy standing on your back. Its time to hold them to better account, its time to make them treat their wealth as a responsibility to society as opposed to ongoing manipulations of the many by the few through the power of their wealth. If you cannot use it wisely, safely, and responsibly, someone should take it from you. Forcibly. We need to take away the power of the wealthy to manipulate government with money to the greatest extent possible quite simply. Figure this out and you will save the world and our species form itself. This is needed to keep sociopaths and psychopaths out of positions of power. Your very lives may depend on it in fact.

/r/The_Donald Thread