What part of history do people always seem to forget ?

For sure, why we are arming the Saudi army is beyond comprehension. I mean I suppose the deal was from the 30s, you give Oil, we give protection and so it has stuck. They are the worst in terms of funding the kind of ideology that has flourished radicalism. If they were Hindus we wouldn't see people who are happy to die and take others with them, groups like ISIS and constant security concerns.

It matters that we have been there, but it also matters that they follow a really strict form of Salafism. Saudi Arabia is the head of the snake but instead of somehow cutting it off we ask the snake to bite us by funding them in order for them to create stupid "educational" books and preachers to tell Muslim kids how to hate infidels. Read there literature, they couldn't spell out any clearer how they despise infidels, especially Jews. Hopefully lots of people see through that nonsense but unfortunately some of these people begin to believe what is said.

Apologies for the rant.

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