Ever thought about joining the track team?

After being on HRT for a year or so any advantage testosterone might have given a trans female athlete is pretty much gone.

This was essentially copy/pasted from one of the first Google searches on trans muscle density vs normal women and is based on an un-linked "study" and specifically talks about long-distance runners. Not at all an educated rebuttal.

Brain composition is irrelevant - hormones are what we're talking about; testosterone specifically, which is not solely produced in the adrenal glands. But even with a change to testosterone levels, the question is what remains? There may be a decrease in muscle fiber density, volume, and strength, but is what's left still more than what females naturally have? That's the question, and I'd wager to say there's still an advantage there, especially when the Olympics committee removed the 2 year wait period and someone can declare trans and go into the competition straight away with said advantage as long as their testosterone levels are currently similar to those as cis trans women.

Regardless, that person is an asshole and resorts to "feels" instead of fact to put down non-trans people. Condoning that is doing your cause a huge disservice. You see what the radical minority BLM/Feminists did for their legitimate causes?

/r/traps Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com