Every day I thank God that I have 0 interest in computer science

I mean I hate to sound like a douche but the whole premise about majoring in anything is because you love it.

If you love digging up artifacts and anything of that nature I empower you to do it! Making money is great, it pays the bills makes life more comfortable but doing what you love means you will never work a day in your life. Your career will reward you, that alone is worth more than money any day.

Just because a degree “pays well” can cost more than just pay but your sanity. Do what interests you, if you don’t know allow yourself to channel those deep thoughts. If you wanna find your major find something you love doing on the side and study that. I took a sub field of psychology and studied that. Many students as psych majors go and just become some washed out therapist. Where there are many things you can do in a subfield

/r/ApplyingToCollege Thread Parent