What issues would your period cause in a post-apocalyptic setting and how would you address them? Any DIY solutions?

Not getting my periods after bouts of stress me anxiety killed my sex drive and gave me sleep apnea for a while. When I was in mourning of my fiancé, I didn’t get my period for 8 months as I was in such a weak state. He was killed by a drunk driver and then his dad died two weeks after from a stroke in his sleep. It was such an acute pain that I honestly wouldn’t wish on anyone. It’s not like I wanted to have sex but I had an insane sex drive (likely because I did love my fiancé as I didn’t before either) and generally had a healthy sleep hygiene. I also had yo-yo weight and severe iron deficiency. I depend on heating pads to alleviate my lower abs as it swells up so much. I’m sore, cranky and very horny when I do get my periods. Period sex is surprisingly sensory and delightful. Having sex during it relieves a lot of the problems. I have heard from a lot of men consistently that I smell sweeter when I’m ovulating or in my period. I cannot take any of the birth controls as they all make me gain weight. IUD, injection or pill they all make gain weight fast. Moon Cups aren’t a comfortable option for me either as my periods are ridiculously heavy despite my being at a healthy weight. Usually the first three days I’m down for the count as honestly it’s so painful. I usually have to take them off from work unfortunately as they’re that bad.

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