Dialectical Materialism is wrong (debate me)

have you ever debated a communist dude?

this is the first time the topic of DM results in this. Pretty much any point where we have opposite views ends up in the same bs lol, nd everyone else agrees on this, even on a show i watched they have a communist character that does the same thing (and ends up fighting with a liberal lol).

Reminds me, i absolutely threw the arguments on one commie in the trash about why my nationalism is "wrong" and the thing i ended up hearing was:

You are not a communist (idk how that is even real like lmao), you are not a leftist (even tho i never claimed to be one, i generally dislike both left and right), then personal insults that dont have anything to do with our talk, then "you never read [INSERT BOOK]", "you dont know what you are talking about"... even tho they failed to prove any of their points and pretty much "lost" the debate totally, 100%. Like look, i dont believe any revolution is coming, i dont believe in leftist views on many things, i dont care about Lenin or Marx or whatever, I simply care about ending capitalism and everyone having equal opportunities and good lives (now many of the communists will say that i suck and dont know anything because i didnt write a 100 pages book explaining communism in details and just tried to summarize things), thats what i mean by "im a communist". so yeah trust me. Like how many communists read works for other people? how many people here have actually looked into capitalism? the majority seem to repeat things, to be taken by communism and its related aspects. Like dont get me wrong this whole "revolution" thing sounds interesting but im a realistic person, there will not be any revolution any time soon, not to mention how the activity of communist parties can be summarized in one word: pathetic. 0 efforts, 0 presence, they seem like cults more than political parties. So give me a break, the community needs to be reformed, and its members educated, and the cult vibes when taken in consideration alongside the seemingly common behavior of people involved makes you want to rethink joining that. All respect to everyone, no insult intended, but i am a brutally honest person lol.

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