Why is everybody happy for Lucia?

I never said anyone should feel pity for him, I even stated that he probably deserved and needed it.

However, it’s not ok to go around scamming people because they are rich, gullible, and can afford losing a thousand euros.

What I particularly don’t get is why it’s ok to scam someone rich because you’re poor. When that person didn’t hurt you in any way. How did you watch that and feel it was fine. Who’s to say she won’t doing to someone who can’t afford to lose that money but is genuinely trying to help her.

This is the same argument online scammers use, I’m broke, my country can’t employ, so let me steal a gullible person’s money. It’s not my fault, I’m still a good person. That’s shitty

She’s a very bad person and might do the same as Greg if she was in his position.

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