Is Kai or Dillon worse off?

Dillon's situation is complicated. I'm hesitant to call someone a victim when they don't (appear to) think of themselves as a victim. Technically, he was sexually harassed by his boss. He seemed creeped at first, but eventually seemed okay with it. At least he reached a point where letting his sad old boss eat his ass was a reasonable alternative to having to come to work the next day. We really don't get any info about him to know how he processed the situation. He didn't seem too bothered by any of it. And if he decides he is bothered by it, it probably won't be too hard to get a payday from the hotel.

Kai, on the other hand, is totally fucked, and it's hard not to feel sympathy for him. Sure, going along with Paula's plan suggests he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but he'll suffer more consequences for his singular fuck-up than anyone else on the show.

/r/TheWhiteLotusHBO Thread