ex from 4 years ago

Hi. Thank you for your comment. You’re almost correct. I started dating him when I was 14, broke up at 20.5. Anyway, that’s not the point. He was my first love, not the only love. I am very much in love with my partner right now and things are amazing between us. I’m over my ex, those are not the feelings I meant, there’s no romantic angle in this from my end. Just a lot of trauma, so there’s pain.

And there has been very minimal interaction. I mean, after the breakup he tried to lure me back in within 3-4 months by promising to fix everything and then resorting to suicide threats. I obviously didn’t give in. Apart from that in following 2 years we just spoke once a year very cordially, nothing else (3-4 texts at max, once he contacted me for some work and second time because his best friend passed away so I gave my condolences since I knew him personally as well). Now in 2022 he’s pulling all this shit out of nowhere.

You’re absolutely right, young love is impactful especially if it’s so shit. I’m just trying to cope with healing which I’m learning is not at all linear. Anyway, sorry for the rant. Really appreciate that you took the time to read and replied.

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